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Adjuvants & Formulations
Bimonthly magazine for agchem specialists (former Adjuvant Newsletter)

July / August 2021

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Drift control agents: current status and latest trends

Drift control agents are a very specific adjuvant category. They make pesticide application more effective by reducing the movement of active ingredients to non-target crops or areas. Adjuvants & Formulation reviews the current status and trends.

Additives and spray drift

Spray additives differ in their effect on spray drift. Surfactants often decrease droplet size, polymers show a more diverse picture. University of Amsterdam’s complex fluids specialist Daniel Bonn provides insights based on his recent research into the effects of surfactants and polymers on spray drift.
Picture: Difference in sheet under nozzle with water (left) and polymer-based spray additive (right). Daniel Bonn.

Improved formulation of zoxamide for tomatoes

Italian researchers have prepared a zoxamide nanosuspension with increased water-solubility through a media milling technique that used the stabilizer polysorbate 80. Adjuvants & Formulations presents the major findings of this study.

Patents in brief

A solvent combination of caprolactone and an aromatic hydrocarbon in specific ratios provides storage stability to EC formulations at low temperatures as well as emulsion stability when mixing the formulations with water. Sumitomo Chemical Company has filed patent applications covering the use of such solvent combinations with various active ingredients.

Adjuvants & Formulations also reports about activities of other companies as well as universities, such as:

  • Aqueous formulations of poorly water-soluble nanoparticulate active ingredients
  • Concentrated low-viscous clothianidin seed treatment formulation
  • Adjuvant to make WG and WP formulations suitable for UAV application
  • Overview of recent patent publications with brief summary.


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Adjuvants & Formulations is a bimonthly digital magazine published by SURfaPLUS Services. On our website you will find additional information about this magazine, including information about subscriptions.

Adjuvants & Formulations focuses on all companies, institutions and individuals involved in the production, distribution, sale, use and registration of adjuvants and formulations.

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