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Adjuvants & Formulations
Bimonthly magazine for agchem specialists (former Adjuvant Newsletter)

March / April 2020

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Adjuvants and phytotoxicity

The fear for crop damage or an outspoken bad experience are motives for growers to say “never (again)” when it comes to application of adjuvants. This is particularly true for growers of vegetables, fruits and ornamentals who apply growth regulators, insecticides and fungicides to their crops. When this position is taken by a grower or advisor one should have very sound data to convince these growers that adjuvants can be beneficial. With postemergence weed control in arable farming one may observe sometimes some damage to the crop at an early stage. Most of the time the crop recovers easily from this damage. Adjuvants & Formulations summarizes in a nutshell what is known about adjuvants and phytotoxicity.

Patents in brief

Bayer is very active in patenting new formulations of pesticides. Recently patent offices published applications covering improved seed treatment formulations of fluopyram, a crystal polymorph of this active ingredient and extended release fluopyram formulations. Bayer seeks also patent protection for adjuvants that improve the rainfastness of glyphosate and glufosinate formulations and for antifoam adjuvants and thickener combinations for these active ingredients.

Adjuvants & Formulations also reports about activities of other companies as well as universities, such as:

  • New mild surfactants for glyphosate formulations.
  • Improved formulations of essential oil-based bioherbicides.
  • Development of contemporary formulations for classical and old active ingredients.

And further

  • Formulations to optimize the effect of fungicides.
  • Surfactants for wetting of houseflies.
  • Biodegradation and ecotoxicity of branched alcohol ethoxylates.
  • NMR spectroscopy: a tool for analysis of an emulsifier mixture of soybean oil.
  • RNA-based biocontrol compounds: current status and perspectives to reach the market.
  • Spreading agent acts as deterrent.
  • Leaf pruning as key factor to successful biological control.
  • Adjuvant and formulation news from the annual meetings of the Canadian Weed Science Society and the North Central Weed Science Society.


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Adjuvants & Formulations is a bimonthly digital magazine published by SURfaPLUS Services. On our website you will find additional information about this magazine, including information about subscriptions.

Adjuvants & Formulations focuses on all companies, institutions and individuals involved in the production, distribution, sale, use and registration of adjuvants and formulations.

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