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Adjuvants & Formulations


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September / October 2018

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How herbicides reinforce or counteract each other
Do herbicidal active ingredients synergize or antagonize each other? It depends. The molecule does matter, as does the formulation, the weed species and even the weed biotype. Adjuvants & Formulations dived into the literature about synergism and antagonism and presents insights into research on glyphosate-based and other relevant mixtures.
The full story can be found in our digital magazine.

A brief insight in patents
Scientists have discovered a method to overrule herbicide resistance in plants. The researchers are looking for partners to commercialise this patent pending invention. Adjuvants & Formulations furthermore contains information on new crystal polymorphs of active ingredients, new adjuvants and the use of a chelating agent in seed coatings. This issue also informs you about formulations for mixtures of active ingredients, including stable mixtures of water-soluble with oil-soluble actives.

Few formulations for drone-applied agrochemicals
Drones are increasingly used in East Asia for spraying pesticides. However, the development of tailored adjuvants and formulations that take the increased drift risk in account or solve other problems with this young application technology, still finds itself in its infancy.

Also in this issue
Dicationic ionic liquids of 2,4-D give lower environmental risks.
Multinutrient application in integrated granules using zein as a coating layer.
Effect of spray droplet size on herbicide efficacy on four winter annual grasses.
Ethylene glycol diacetate found suitable as carrier for EC formulations.
Environmentally friendly platforms for encapsulation of an essential oil.
Formulation aids and heavy metals blamed to increase glyphosate toxicity.
Insight in droplet bounce height.
Factors influencing agricultural spray deposit structures.
Picture: McMaster University
An overview of the recent adjuvant and formulation literature, including hyperlinks to original sources.
Adjuvant and formulation news from the International Banana Conference and the German Plant Protection Conference.

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Adjuvants & Formulations focuses on all companies, institutions and individuals involved in the production, distribution, sale, use and registration of adjuvants and formulations.

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