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Adjuvant Newsletter


May / June 2014

Jim Hazen

10 years of adjuvant knowledge at your fingertips
‘Inform’ and ‘interpret’ are the verbs that describe the mission of the Adjuvant Newsletter best. In the past years we got various topics in the spotlight: new types and uses of adjuvants, glyphosate-related patents, nano structures, new pesticide carriers etc.
Now the Adjuvant Newsletter is ten years and we want to celebrate this milestone with an anniversary issue. In this special issue, various renowned colleagues share their thoughts about develop-
ments in the past ten years and what they expect for the future.

Adjuvant Newsletter 10 years
by Hans de Ruiter, SURfaPLUS.
More balanced global approach
by Jim Hazen, AkzoNobel.
“Green” will be a major driver
by Han Rieffe, Croda Europe.
No magic answers for a sustainable portfolio
by Alan Knowles, FORM-AK Ltd.
2,4-D and dicamba tolerant GMO’s will have huge impact
by Thierry Sclapari and Eugenie Wartel, Solvay Novecare.
Resurgence of older herbicides was important development
by Andy Malec, Stepan Company.

New section: Apps
An adjuvant selector or an application tool – app stores have dozens of useful and interesting applications for mobile devices. In this celebratory issue of the Adjuvant Newsletter the launch of this new section: the Ground Spray app.

And further in this issue
ISAA 2016 in California.
Little new chemistry in the pipeline.
Pharmacist pleads for slow-release nitric oxide formulations.
Feeding stimulator for codling moth.

Online Agenda of events          Advertising companies

For subscribers: how to download

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Adjuvant Newsletter is a bi-monthly digital newsletter published by SURfaPLUS Internet Services. On the website you will find additional information about this newsletter, including information about subscriptions.

The Adjuvant Newsletter focuses on all companies, institutions and individuals involved in the production, distribution, sale, use and registration of adjuvants and formulations.

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