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Adjuvant Newsletter


November / December 2013

Innovative uses for good-old alginate
Formulators use alginate as a source for micro- and nanostructures in agrochemical compositions. With this well-known inert ingredient they prepare controlled-release formulations and improve the environmental profile of pesticides. Adjuvant Newsletter presents a dip into the increasing number of interesting papers covering novel uses of good-old alginate.

Patents in brief
Amorphous actives are more soluble than their crystalline counterparts. With this property in mind, chemists have developed amorphous ionic liquid compositions comprising metal chloride pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, they apply this novel approach to agrochemical active ingredients.
Other patent applications in this issue of the Adjuvant Newsletter cover tank-mix adjuvants for use with hard water, drift control agents for auxinic herbicides, cleaver control in brassica and new avermectin formulations for trunk injection.

And further in this issue
USA pesticide use statistics and politics from 1964 to 2010
increasing use of herbicides in developing countries
adjuvants affect degradation of atrazine in soil
formulation influences emission of dicamba
biopesticide formulations against sugar beet damping-off
interaction of organic solvents with epicuticular wax
improved root uptake of zinc
adjuvant and formulation news from ICPP 2013, the 24th APWSS Conference and Entomology 2013
an overview of the recent adjuvant and formulation literature, including hyperlinks to original sources

Online Agenda of events          Advertising companies

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The Adjuvant Newsletter focuses on all companies, institutions and individuals involved in the production, distribution, sale, use and registration of adjuvants and formulations.

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